2 Apr 2007


"Aw!!! Sorry..I dint mean to splash ink...d back of you shirt...I'm so sorry.."..I wave my fountain pen in despair...Sometimes I heard..."It is awrite" many a times..."my momz gna yell at me"...No matter what,I'd be jigging up and down with "april fooool!!"...

Well that was around 18 years ago ....a time when Children's day still belonged to me.

Now ...each year,they are all just days that passed by yesterday.


Subalekha Udayasankar said...

:( someone fooled my yesterday.. i din even realize it was fool's day.. cha.. i still remember da days wen i plotted like 10 days in advance... n was alert all da time!!

Aparna said...

exactly mu..i was hoping someone would try 2 fool me yesterday!

n i din evn try..

R2D2 said...

hey...i totally forgot april fools day!!

R said...

I read this somewhere...
Growing old is mandatory. Growing up isn't :)

Your article reminded me of my kiddie day pranks, Aparna. Thanks! for the nostalgia.


Unknown said...

...a moment to hold on to the good old times....gud one and the best part is U've finally agreed that u r old..sumthin i was unsuccessful in convincin u over the last few years