20 Jun 2008

Wisecrack 1

"So which hurts more: labor or getting kicked in the nuts?guess we'll never know..coz nobody gets to experience both.."

courtesy: Chandler from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


17 Jun 2008

Strings in the wind

7.14 pm..end of a groggy lazy Tuesday, I again have one of those attacks. The sort that tells you something is lurking around the corner, waiting to strike.. create magic. Magic like the final brushstroke that makes all the difference between a painting and a masterpiece…and you see the transformation happening right before your eyes...that you are glued to it..so glued you forget how it felt like waiting behind the corner,full of anticipation only moments ago.The surge of creativity…the energy prior to creation…

I wonder if God felt this before he conceived all that our senses acknowledge today…and d exhilaration once he witnessed the miracle he had done.. I guess it has got to do a lot with how you feel when you say “I felt like God”…
I wonder if God..a supernatural power had feelings. Was it even possible for power to have emotions and a mind of its own..

There I dwell comfy in my world of abstracts…random thoughts that tumble into each other..sliding back into a string....swaying in the wind....

okay..That is how I felt , a sudden need to blog.I had no clue as to what I wanted to write and I didn't even want to find out. I just wanted to let it flow.I had to write ,no matter what.

And here I am forming strings.
And there you are. .wondering.:)
Scoot before one more hits you;)

God bless you;)

3 Jun 2008

Pink roots

Yesterday I peeled my first beetroot.
Today, I probably am the biggest fan of peeling them.

Long ago, days when my lunches were packed into boxes and opened under shady trees ,beetroot was the only vegetable I studied mentally for a period worth mentioning . It made my rice Pink, the magical colour ever. But, me not being a great fan of the taste , other childhood fantasies took over pushing my dear friend into a dark, forgotten tunnel of time as I sped merrily..obliviously.. into childhood..early teens..late ones and adulthood till there was a stilling lightning inside the tunnel, the same moment I had carelessly picked up the most boring looking object barely glancing at wht looked like a ball of sand...and peeled it.

It was an unbelievable brilliance under the drab brown blanket. It was royalty. The kind that is owned by the family of Pink.