The mirage in nomanz land
somehow even as it has waned in still is unforgotten ...prominent and loud ..blended into the folds.
A part of me in noman's land.
Merrily flipping roles between the beautiful rainbow and the teasing mirage,it hallucinates me with the prismatic effect of refracted nuances that erupt after having allowed the taunting mirage to just finally pass through it.
sometimes a heavily laden cloud fiercely unwilling to relieve itself of the beads, for each precious one stood a sole witness to the bliss that once had been,a story by itself...
Sometimes the sumptuous sea,with its seamless, unconditional, powerful ,presence making sure it cut across boundaries just to fill in gloriously...
Sometimes like the surging waves,shockingly emerging out of nowhere,at places where it has no right to be just to prove a point...
Sometimes like the lifelike smell of earth at the touch of monsoon,a reminder of sunshine that just had its turn to make way for the nostalgic chills, lovely rains and the tutoring gloom...
Sometimes like the immobile rocks, solid and domineering and suffocating until it slowly buckles under and withers away...
Sometimes like the rewarding bridge that connects to regions that I may never have dared or considered venturing things I may never have been able to render or relate to..
Sometimes like the best lesson in tackling reality, for the good always undergoes memtamorphosis, never lasting the way we would like it to be, yet manifesting itself as a reminder of the truth, equipping me with an ability to nip at the bud d yearning that spurs at the constant buzz of all the lovely things revolving around me, positioned at a distance that doesn't rightfully belong to me...and spot new things that beckon and open up .
Somehow there is always a mirage that all of us want to touch and embrace..a mirage that speaks a lot about us.
Someday, I dream to be able to see your mirage.
I somehow feel u r talking about seeing me.. (pls don ruin it by sayin no :( ..)
hw cud i ruin nethn fr u ?
u feel its has 2 b u :
awesum da...i'll update u furthur after i read the blog.
:) plz do
i am inspired to create a cartoon strip with 2 mischievious characters..."appoo & chuboo"...they are 2 cute south indian girls with round faces,cute pig tails, running nose, cute skirts....
i need some creative inputs...especially sketches from aparna...since u had the sketching ability even in kindergarden...u shld be able to come up with something along the lines of what i said..can u do it??
mu this has been the toughest post o urs... I mean in a way that its like reading rocket science.. I lose myself half way n' start over again.. been doing the same 4 da past few days.. :P
i like d running noses part o it
lol bby...i wont blame u..tht ws more of a let out thn a write up..n itz quite vague 2 a reader...but mu if u dn get it..thr r very few lft who d evn get close
mu.... i get it in my heart... but its more of a feeling wen i read it.. its like the words make me go cross-eyed.. but i kinda feel wat u r saying... its like words r jus buffers!
Ya dave , when u get it, tell me
if at all u hv a memory tht u can cherish only wid doses of pain, thrz a Remote chance that ul get a whiff of wht i'm talkn abt
I get reminded o my Rajathi
i knw
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