My 1s around 2 second-hand koala in one hand..I race down..screech-halt at the third step...a scrap of paper on the floor...a targeted leap and yo behold! I land on it...a little victory dance and i wait for applause.I am plainly told that I had just stamped God and to ask forgiveness I had to touch the paper and then my head. It has stuck onto first lesson.
Festoons...Arrays of stocked shelves...people walking around dazed...several things fascinated me in the supermarket...until i bumped into it.I took a few steps back and froze. A very strange creature... ghastly red all over and it my horror ,towards me. The next thing I remember is that I was in tears ,perched on my dad's shoulders. Heartless beast, it trailed me all the way out and didn't leave till it squeezed a toffee into my tight fist. A brief encounter with first terror.
Some movie...I learn that all people born on earth have to leave...My mind is a mess...strange thoughts confound eyes are shut tight...I ask for two tea-spoons of the magic potion that allowed God to be eternal...One for dad and one for mom...I guess it was only minutes later that I realised I was no favorite first prayer.
My sister and I...tagging along with a neighbour-aunty to a nearby shop. Inspite of repeated instructions on good manners,I couldn't resist asking aunty to get me a chocolate... which my loving sister reported at home. I was condemned to an hour of silence in the darkest corner under the stairs. I fell first punishment.
Golden flowing hair...bright blue eyes...a white dress matched with a pink sash and dainty pink stilettoes...the sweetest first first love.
Lunch school...the nap after lunch...i pretend to sleep knowing that my teacher would take a break for the loo...She does and I am 'gang' behind me...beat the hell out of a poor thing there...unfortunately for me, my teacher had changed her mind about the loo...was it a glare or sheer shock on her face...not sure now...but my expression must have won the prize in the room if a competition had been first crime.
Its strange how certain things leave an imprint in your mind.Many a times, the actual period or place or incident or the people involved or the words uttered escape the mind. Yet lingers vividly...the way it made you feel...